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What is meditation? | What is the real meaning of meditation | What is the right way to do meditation? | How to do meditation at home?

What is meditation and how we can do meditation at home?

These are the common questions that come into our minds.

We daily read, hear, and watch on various t.v. channels about how to meditate.

But anyone knows the real meaning of meditation?

The most common answer that we will get "Dhyan Lagana". But what is that "Dhyan Lagana"?

Some of you will say close your eyes and meditate. Don't listen to any voice/noise.

But the same thing, we do when we are sleeping.

Am I Right?
So how meditation differs from sleep.
Meditation can perform with both types with close eyes or with open eyes or without closing eyes.

Yes, don't be surprised. We can also meditate without closing the eyes. 

First of all, we will focus on the word "MEDITATION"

MEDITATION is a kind of activity, in which a person tries to focus his mind on a specific object or thing without concentrate on any other object. In simple words, to just think about a particular thing is called meditation.

We can focus on a particular object without closing our eyes.

According to all the religions, meditation is a way to connect with God. 

Tell me one thing can you only connect with God to just close your eyes?
So how can we say that in meditation, we need to close our eyes?

Meditation is a kind of mental state when a person concentrates on something at that level, where the energy of his all senses focuses on a particular point for a particular time.

After meditation, the energy which produces with the help of these senses, creates a positive energy around us.

It's so easy for anyone to do meditation by keeping a few things in mind as:

1. Read positive thoughts daily:

A positive mind is a productive mind. Our minds should be positive if we want to meditate. If negative thoughts move around us, So we can't meditate properly. For positive mind, you have to read daily minimum one positive thought and follow this thought for the day. Next day new thought. Do that process daily. You will feel in 2 to 3 days, a positive energy moves in your body.

Read 10 Best positive thoughts:

2. Daily Practice:

We all know meditation is not as easy as we think. We need daily practice it. Follow a schedule and do meditation according to it. In the urgency, you can reduce the time of meditation, but don't skip it. Because if you skip it, the efforts of previous days become useless. Then again you need to start from first.

3. Patience:

As we already discussed, meditation is not easy. We need patience, while meditation. In the starting, various types of thoughts come into our minds. A common thought will come in our mind that it is worthless, there is no benefit of it. But we have to ignore this thought and move forward. There are a lot of benefits of meditation as one of them is to create a positive environment around us. 

4. Don't loose temper:

Always try to be calm. Temper reduces your energy to focus on something. Focus is the first step to meditate. When you feel you are losing your temper, follow some techniques as:
* Drink a glass of water.
* Take a long breath.
* Start counting
There are numerous techniques to be calm. You can choose anyone from them.

5. Listen to religious music:

Daily listen to religious music and sounds like the sound of "OM", "Gayatri Mantra", " Religious prayers" and "Bhajans". It also embeds positivity energy as well as enhance concentration.  

6. Being a part of nature:

Try to spend maximum time around nature. Go for a walk, Sit on the grass, plant trees, and various types of activities that relate you with nature. The Second name of MEDITATION is "NATURALIZATION"

8. Always keep smiling internally as well as externally:

Always keep smiling, does not mean that you are smiling externally, but a lot of worries, tensions and jealousy you collected in internally. With these things, meditation is impossible. So keep smiling internally and externally.

By following these things, your concentration becomes more strong. Concentration is a sub-part of Meditation.

With a strong concentration power, now you are ready for meditation.

Now, Let's understand different steps to do meditation at home.

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